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8838 Coleman Boulevard

Frisco, TX 75034

Sealants in Frisco, TX

18 Procedures ( View All )

What are Dental Sealants?

To prevent tooth decay, cavities, and other dental problems, general dentist Dr. Camelia Cooper may apply dental sealants to the patient's teeth for lasting protection. Dental sealants are a plastic resin that can be easily applied to the tops of the premolars and molars to act as a barrier against plaque, tarter, and bacteria. At Sweet Tooth Dental Loft in Frisco, TX, Dr. Cooper aims to be proactive with her patient's oral health and dental sealants are a fast way to fortify the crevices of the back teeth that are not always reached with regular brushing. When patients follow a good oral care routine after their dental sealant is applied, the treatment can last several years and help the patient receive better annual dental exams.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Sealants?

At Sweet Tooth Dental Loft, we recommend sealants for many of our Frisco, TX patients as an extra layer of protection for healthy teeth. Sealants offer several benefits, including:

  • Provides a defense against cavities
  • Natural, clear appearance
  • Reduction of tartar and plaque buildup
  • Can prevent costlier treatments in the future by safeguarding against decay

Who is a candidate for Dental Sealants?

Youths aged 6 – 12 are typically more at risk for decay on the tops of their back teeth, making them ideal candidates to receive dental sealants. In addition, older patients might also be eligible for dental sealants, for example, those who have problems with maintaining proper oral hygiene routines or who are predisposed to cavities. At Sweet Tooth Dental Loft, obtaining dental sealants is a convenient, simple process that generally does not call for sedation. Set up your consultation so a professional on our dental staff can talk with you to decide if you may qualify for this simple and efficient service.

Why Is Getting Dental Sealants Important?

Dental sealants are a highly effective way to protect the teeth against decay and cavities, especially for children's permanent molars as they start to emerge. Acting as a type of tooth armor, dental sealants provide an extra layer of protection against tooth decay, helping to preserve the health and longevity of the molars, which are the hardest working teeth in the mouth. A CDC (Centers for Disease Control) study found that children without dental sealants were three times more likely to have cavities than children who had sealants. However, Dental sealants can also be beneficial for adults, helping to prevent cavities and prolong the health of their molars too. When applied by an experienced dentist like Dr. Cooper, dental sealants can reduce the risk of tooth decay by up to 80%.

What to Expect during DENTAL SEALANT treatment

Sealant is a fairly easy procedure that involves plastic resin being painted on the premolars or molars, where it bonds to the tooth and hardens. The sealant fills in and fits into the grooves of the teeth, creating a comfortable, protective barrier. As a preventative method to prevent decay or even tooth lose, sealants work to maintain the health of the tooth for years. Dr. Cooper will determine if sealant is a good option for each patient during their consultation and if needed, will schedule a procedure date. Once the sealant has hardened on the tooth, the patient can continue with their regular routine.


Patients can anticipate returning to their regular routines immediately following the procedure. Dr. Cooper will provide them with any special instructions before they leave our office. To ensure optimal oral health, patients should maintain a regular oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice a day, using mouthwash, and flossing. It is also recommended that the patient continue to schedule annual examinations and bi-annual teeth cleanings at Sweet Tooth Dental Loft.

Dental Sealant FAQ

How long do dental sealants last?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), sealants can protect against 80% of cavities for about two years and continue to protect against 50% of cavities for as long as four years.

Are sealants bad for your teeth?

When properly applied, sealants are an excellent way to protect your teeth against cavities. However, improperly applied sealants can lock in harmful acids that promote decay. That’s why Dr. Cooper will examine your teeth and then thoroughly clean them before applying sealants. Dental sealants also can’t be applied to teeth with fillings or decay.

Should adults get dental sealants?

Dental sealants are more commonly applied to the teeth of children and teenagers to prevent tooth decay on their new permanent teeth. However, adults can also benefit from dental sealants as they help prevent the formation of cavities.

Can dental sealants be removed?

Yes, dental sealants can be removed, but typically this is only done if they’re showing signs of excessive wear. Often when sealants are removed, they will then be replaced by new dental sealants.

What is the difference between dental sealants and tooth fillings?

Dental sealants and fillings may seem similar, but they actually serve two very different purposes. On one hand, tooth fillings are used to restore teeth that have already been affected by cavities. Meanwhile, on the other hand, dental sealants are used to prevent these cavities.

How much do dental sealants cost?

The overall price of dental sealants can vary depending on a wide number of factors. When you come into our practice, we'll analyze your current oral health in order to determine if and how dental sealants might be useful for you. At that point, we'll be able to provide a more accurate cost estimate.

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Prevent Cavities and improve your oral health

Protecting your teeth from cavities, decay, and disease is our main priority at Sweet Tooth Dental Loft in Frisco, TX. If you believe that sealants might be the best treatment option to fulfill your dental hygiene needs, contact our office immediately to schedule your consultation with Dr. Cooper or ask about dental sealants during your exam and cleaning. 

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